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End of the PTB Ex PT Program (pilot phase)

Dear participants,

How time flies! Our PTB Ex PT pilot program ended already and we have to say thank you very much for your participation, the fruitful discussions and the perfect cooperation of everyone.

We finished the test rounds with publishing of the final report and with the performance of the PT Workshops 2012.

The end of the pilot phase also marks the beginning of something new. Of course we don’t stop working. The successful pilot phase was the basis for our further activities in the PTB Ex PT Scheme. The next steps are to analyze the survey of the participants and to consolidate the documentation of the PTB Ex PT Scheme. After that we create best practice papers in discussion with the community as a result of the programs (e.g. "Best practice of measuring explosion pressure") in terms of Decision Sheets.

We will inform you periodically about our next steps and hope you stay interested and inquisitive …

Best regards,
